We are excited to introduce you to our new blog and website!
At Genfare, we excel at providing fare collection solutions in a changing environment. In the fare management ecosystem, the climate that’s changing is how new technologies are impacting the rider experience. Hyper-connected and diverse commuters are demanding speed, convenience and flexibility in how they pay their fares. Genfare is there with system solutions across the changing fare media to meet the agencies evolving needs. Through system upgrades, a full suite of services or by investing in a fully integrated system, Genfare can help you stay ahead of the curve.
This blog is a place where our blended team of fare collection experts will share their perspectives on industry news and trends. It’s where we plan to share our thoughts on disruptive and emerging technologies, as well as grounded realities of keeping your fare collection solutions performing up to expectations. We will also give you updates on Genfare activities, including the latest news on our projects, partnerships and growth.
We invite you to bookmark our website and regularly visit this blog. Please feel free to add your comments so we can learn together – we want this blog to be a collaboration! You can use our contact forms throughout the website to let us know what you think, give us ideas, or suggest something you’d like us to include in the future.